2021年8月にTaku Sometani GALLERY にて開催された個展「STAYING PETS」は無事会期を終えました。
Stay: とどまる、~のままでいる、滞在する、「待て」、延期する、和らげる, etc.

ユクスキュル / クリサート 著の『生物から見た世界』はバイブル的に何度も何度も読み返している本なのですが、その中で触れている「環世界」という概念が今回のテーマの大きな肝になっているのだと思っています。
Thanks to all of you, my solo exhibition "STAYING PETS" held at TAKU SOMETANI GALLERY in August 2021 has ended successfully.
Thank you very much to all who came to the exhibition, taking precautions against infection in spite of the hard heat.
The starting point of this exhibition was an experience in which I suddenly became able to draw the body shape and face of my cats, who had always been close to me when I was living at my parents’ house, after I moved to a new house.
The full statement is here.

It is just as I can't remember the face of an irreplaceable person I spent time with, in my dream. I have developed an image of the person (cat) in my mind, and then I don't try to see the real things there, and finally, I can't draw its true shape... This is what was happening between my cat and me.
The book "Streifzuege durch die Umwelten von Tieren und Menschen. Bedeutungslehre.", by Jakob von Uexkuell and Georg Kriszat, is my favorite book that I read over and over again, and I think the concept of "Umwelt" that is mentioned in the book is the key to this exhibition theme.
To put it simply about "Umwelt", the "room" that I see now for a human being is also a "room for a dog" or a "room for a fly" with a completely different shape depending on its smell, material, and light reflections. This is a very interesting book about recognizing that the world looks and feels different depending on our sensory organs and body structure, so please read it.
What would I have wished my cats? I try to remember it.
Have I tried to imagine what shape and colors my face reflected on their eyes? The visual image that I imagine about their mind is always like things in the human world.
It meant that I was always ignoring their own world.
Maybe that's why I couldn't draw them. I threw them into my world and I hadn't tried to see the actual face and shape and created the imaginary shape and faces in my mind. I think there were errors between my image and the actual shapes.
Their appearance, as I recall it, is quite fragmented. The tips of their tails, their earlobes, the patterns on the edges of their eyes, I can recall fragments of them, but they don't connect and don't form the shape of a single cat. I think it's the same with friends and family. I was getting more and more scared.
At that time, I suddenly remembered a lecture at my university. (I tried to look up the professor's name, but I couldn't find it because the archives for 2016 were not already in the university's database. I plan to dig up the notes later. It was a female teacher.)
It started with an introduction to early British ghost photography, in which photographs of the dead people were composited. At first, the ghosts kept the shape of the person's past photographs, but little by little, the elements faded away and were replaced by the typical form of a "ghost" or "spirit".
It was like the form of a cat that had been transformed in me.
As I mention in the overarching concept of my work, I believe that to look at pets is to look at people. They are like mirrors for us, objectively reflecting our world and giving us insight from a step-back perspective.
Of course, that is not the only reason for their existence, but I hope we can live with what these delightful friends have given us.
My next exhibition will be a two-person show with Koyomi Horioka at Ginga 101 in Higashi Nakano starting September 1st.
Please look forward to it.